4. El Valor de la Integración

¿Por qué la integración?

Los sistemas de control son más que una colección de subsistemas que interactúan para detectar, controlar o controlar. La integración de varios componentes del subsistema reduce las demandas de energía, aumenta la capacidad de respuesta y reduce los costos generales del sistema. También reduce la complejidad del sistema.

Tener una interfaz de usuario única para muchos subsistemas diferentes reduce los requisitos de capacitación del personal y elimina la necesidad de monitorear diferentes interfaces, dando lugar a una mayor eficiencia. El monitoreo, el control, el alarmar, el reporte y la programación de un solo asiento son parte de los requisitos básicos establecidos para mejorar la eficiencia del sistema.

Con los recientes desarrollos en el mundo de la TI y la reducción de los costos del sistema, están surgiendo nuevas normas que afectan directamente al mercado de los controles. La tecnología estándar de navegación Web y los fundamentos son una parte común de la arquitectura actual del sistema de control.

Imagine la interfaz con su sistema de control a través de un navegador Web desde cualquier computadora conectada a su sistema, o incluso remotamente a través de una conexión segura. Puede realizar monitoreo simple o funciones complejas de manejo de alarmas, solicitar trabajos de mantenimiento, generar informes o recibir datos en tiempo real, todo ello desde una interfaz de usuario común.

La integración hace todo esto posible, y en su fundación es nivel de dispositivo, la comunicación peer-to-peer. LonWorks permite la integración de sistemas abiertos.

Why Integration?

Control systems are more than a collection of subsystems that interact to sense, monitor, or control. Integrating various subsystem components reduces energy demands, increases responsiveness, and reduces overall system costs. It also reduces system complexity.

Having a single user interface to many different subsystems reduces staff training requirements and removes the need to monitor different interfaces, leading to greater efficiency. Single-seat monitoring, control, alarming, reporting, and scheduling are part of the established baseline requirements for improving system efficiency.

With recent developments in the IT world and reduced system costs, new standards are emerging that directly affect the controls market. Standard Web browsing technology and fundamentals are a common part of today’s control system architecture.

Imagine interfacing with your control system through a Web browser from any computer attached to your system, or even remotely through a secure connection. You can perform simple monitoring or complex alarm-handling functions, request maintenance work, generate reports, or receive real-time data – all from a common user interface.

Integration makes all this possible, and at its foundation is device level, peer-to-peer communication. LonWorks enables open system integration.[:pb]Why Integration?

Control systems are more than a collection of subsystems that interact to sense, monitor, or control. Integrating various subsystem components reduces energy demands, increases responsiveness, and reduces overall system costs. It also reduces system complexity.

Having a single user interface to many different subsystems reduces staff training requirements and removes the need to monitor different interfaces, leading to greater efficiency. Single-seat monitoring, control, alarming, reporting, and scheduling are part of the established baseline requirements for improving system efficiency.

With recent developments in the IT world and reduced system costs, new standards are emerging that directly affect the controls market. Standard Web browsing technology and fundamentals are a common part of today’s control system architecture.

Imagine interfacing with your control system through a Web browser from any computer attached to your system, or even remotely through a secure connection. You can perform simple monitoring or complex alarm-handling functions, request maintenance work, generate reports, or receive real-time data – all from a common user interface.

Integration makes all this possible, and at its foundation is device level, peer-to-peer communication. LonWorks enables open system integration.